Wednesday, November 4, 2009

This is not a Rainbow

There was some serious confusion about Zach's (one of two) Halloween costume. I could not leave this inchworm costume in the store...but perhaps should have as everyone seemed to think he was a Rainbow. While I love rainbows as much as the next gal, that is not what he was supposed to be. You can see the legs on the costume in the 2nd pic and the pissed off look on his face when he realized he could not scoot/crawl away from our overgrown bushes and towards Norman in it.
As a side note, I am not the only person who thought this was a darling costume....but turns out that it works better on a baby that can't sit up.


  1. I love the inch worm-- it's adorable! Although, I have to say it also looks like Zach is also in support of the gay and lesbain community with the rainbow colors :o) Where are the liderhosen? (I can't spell!!)

  2. Heehee, so precious. I have to admit, I first thought he was one of those Fisher Price stackable ring toys. :)

  3. OMG Did you see on Dooce that Marlo also had the inchworm costume!!
