Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A Skilled Hunter

I have been a wee bit (OK a month) behind in reporting on Easter. It was technically Zach's 2nd Easter and he made the most of it. He and Alex went to church while I did the Lord's work...oh wait, I cleaned the house and made deviled eggs. I feel the Lord had something to do with that work, right? Anyway, the Walls plus Great-Grandma Rowena came over and Zach had his "first" egg hunt. Why is "first" in quotes you ask? Because this was not his first nor even his second hunt, but his 4th. Yes, they hunted twice at school (to cover the kids that are there Monday-Wed-Fri or Tuesday-Thursday) and then again at the Walls on Saturday. So by the time the REAL hunt was on, he was a professional. That is until he got bored with the whole thing and wandered off to ride his tricycle with Uncle Dave. Of course having 6 grown adults pointing and saying your name all at once might make anyone wander off.

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