So I obviously compare my baby to other babies. Since he is almost 2 I have forgotten what he looked like as a baby and went back to check and make sure he was still the cutest thing ever.
Summary - yes I still pick him any day but turns out he was f.a.t. fat. Who knew? I remember him being chubby, but looking back he is giant. The rolls, the cheeks, the belly. HUGE.
Ummm seriously, how did I not see the hugeness that was my child? And he was not even eating solid food for a lot of that time. Alex and I just laugh to see these pictures now. Especially since this is what our formerly chubby baby looks like now:
He was precious then and precious now. And I don't think that fat... He was the cutest baby I had ever seen - until I saw my own of course - but he still ranks a very, very close second (maybe even a tie!) :)