Monday, October 29, 2012

Totally Normal

If you had dogs prior to having babies did you wish you could just put said baby in a crate and go eat dinner?

No? Me either, that would be super scary.

Anywho, this is what has been going down in our house as of late:

I promise I did not put them in there, nor did I close the door. James started it due to his obsession love for Norman, but in true big brother fashion, he can't have anything to himself. As soon as James was in there here comes trouble. Zach insists on crawling in there too. And squishing his brother.

Forcing him to leave.

So he can have it all to himself.

Luckily chubby baby does not mind and gets just as excited about looking out the window for the dog (he is not out there) and let's his big brother play in the dirty crate. Which PS is really, really dirty. It makes me squirm to even think about them playing in there. But I am just too lazy to fight it some days. And by "lazy" I mean I don't want to hear the shrill screams of James as he bangs on the door of the crate.

Sometimes when Norman is in there trying to get some peace and quiet. The look on Norman's face is very reminiscent of mine at the end of a long all know it.

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