Wednesday, December 18, 2013

My favorite elf

I really had fun with Jack this year. The calendar helped, so I didn't feel overwhelmed with having to come up with an idea every single night. Also, the boys excitement every morning to go find Jack was super cute.

Yesterday Jack was found playing the squirrel game with Curious George, Dino and a Christmas frog. The boys found it hysterical. Look who was impressed.
They immediately wanted to play as well, since Jack had won the first round.
 Look at that baby gazing at the elf. He is mesmerized.
Since James doesn't know how to play the game and Jack "can't" per Santa, Zach took it upon himself to play for them all.
There was the usual amount of screaming and all was fine, until he started actually taking Jack's hand to spin the dial.
I had to step in at that point. The modifications I made to Jack are not super secure (I lazied out and just glued him back together). I didn't want a piece of wire poking Zach and letting out all the secrets.

That is why I have been putting him out of reach.

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