Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Too many children

What is the correct ratio for children to adults in the pool? Because I think we have surpassed it. Who are all these children?
My friend Ashley has a great pool with a shallow ledge and tons of shade. She invited the boys and I over during the week to swim, as well as our friend Jen and her kids. I don't think she really thought we would all show up. Oh how wrong she was.
We slowly trickled in, with the boys and I getting there first. Then Jen and her two, plus her niece, rolled in and it was a hot mess. I think we all kept pretty calm but when the big ones started jumping off the rocks and the babies kept trying to drown themselves on the ledge we had to pack it in.
Ashley's husband brought us all pizza which we ate on the porch. Which meant the kids were determined to go into Ashley's nice clean house.
They stood at this window whining to go in until we finally had to cave. They had beat us down.

I might have stayed too long and had to drive home two tired, whiny children myself. I am still getting the hang of these play dates and can't seem to figure out when to leave.

Surely I will figure this out soon, right?

1 comment:

  1. I miss you but love reading your new adventure on here!
