Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Citrus Butter Cookies - Emphasis on Butter

Depressing start to this blog post, but recently one of my friends lost her mother. Tragic at any age and especially so as these two were thick as thieves and had an extra special bond. At her memorial service my friend Tracey made lemon cookies with a sweet glaze. Being the generous person I am I offered to take a bunch of cookies home from the service so they did not have to be thrown away. I know, I am always thinking about other people.

Turns out Zach is a huge fan of lemon cookies (and cake and bars). He devoured the ones I brought home more than he has any other sweet. He always thinks he is a big chocolate fan but usually gets tired of it after about 3 bites of a cookie. Again, luckily he has me so it does not go to waste.

I emailed Tracey for the recipe and she said they were Citrus Butter Cookies from The Pioneer Woman. And she was not kidding about them being butter cookies. I halved the recipe and it still called for 2 sticks of butter.

But he loved them. It made a ton so I froze most of the dough and pulled them out for Valentine's day. I thought they would make a nice sweet treat for his teachers.

Not pretty though. Mine look nothing like Tracey's or Rees....but it is the thought right?

I downloaded these small tags to attach to the bags for Zach's teachers. I actually opened up Pinterest, searched "Valentine tags" and let Zach pick the ones he wanted. You can't really see them clearly, but he picked this one
He was very excited to tuck them into their bags at school. Easy, peasy.

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